Steel works case study: high-precision positioning of an oxygen lance

Industrial steel production, metallurgy. Converter process in steel production, conversion of pig iron into steel

Oxygen plays an essential role in steelmaking. In the so-called oxidation process, it is injected into the system under high pressure to transform the pig iron, which is rich in carbon, into low-carbon steel. Precisely positioned oxygen lances play an important role in ensuring that this process runs as smoothly as possible. Our case study shows how an encoder retrofit helped to significantly improve both safety and provision in steelmaking.


How oxidation precision ensures steel quality

The Linz-Donawitz or basic oxygen steelmaking process is the most common oxidation method. It involves using water-cooled oxygen lances to blow oxygen into the converter with the molten pig iron under high pressure and at a correspondingly high speed. The resulting oxidation burns off excess carbon in the molten mass to produce low-carbon steel. To ensure that this high-pressure and high-temperature process always runs safely and precisely and to guarantee a constantly high steel quality, the oxygen needs to be blown into the center of the converter in a controlled procedure.


An all-in-one retrofit solution from Hübner Giessen

The operators of a rolling mill were no longer satisfied with their existing oxygen lance positioning solution. The system, which comprised an absolute encoder and a mechanical cam limit switch, was no longer precise enough, and its mounting situation also needed to be optimized. Our experts presented the operators with a modern all-in-one alternative that not only offers much easier mounting options and parameter configuration but also provides high-precision position values. In the case study on “Converter / Lance position: a new solution for oxygen lance positioning”, you can find out more about the precise design of the Hübner Giessen solution and whether it is suitable for safety certification.

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